Timeline for Grant Development – Pre and Post Award Process

Pre Award Procedures

Between 1 year and 3 months before the agency deadline

Step 1: Ideation

  • Identify the need for funding.
  • Review the current literature supporting your proposed solution.
  • Discuss the idea with your immediate supervisor.
  • Identify others with similar interests within and outside of the College.
  •  Write a one-page preliminary action plan with a budget estimate.

Step 2: Funding Sources

  • Contact SPO for a grant search if the funding source is unknown.
    Search the Grant Management System for grant funders.
  • Determine which funder(s) to approach.

Step 3: Preliminary Approval

  • Consult with the SPO Director, who will submit letters of intent?.
  • Request that your chair sends a pre-approval email to the appropriate Associate or Assistant Vice President and the SPO, form to be provided by SPO.

Between 2 and 4 months before the agency deadline

Step 4: Formal Proposal Development

  • Meet with SPO to discuss and develop the proposal development timeline. Meet with partners (internal and external) to determine roles in the project.
  • Consult with College Human Resources Director (HR) regarding employment issues (e.g., classification and compensation and all employment conditions).
  • Assemble research and attachments, including Letters of Commitment draft(s). Begin iterative drafts.
  • Submit concept to Institutional Review Board (IRB), if needed.
  • For more information on IRB, please go to the website https://www.sfcollege.edu/ir/facts/institutional-review-board-procedures

One 1 month before the agency deadline

Step 5: Final Draft Finalize proposal.

Ten working days before the agency due date

Step 6: SPO Final Approval Submit the final draft to SPO for review before submission. College policy requires finalized proposal submission to SPO at least seven business days[CG1] before the agency’s due date.

SPO submits per BOT schedule

Step 7: Final Approval

  • Complete and sign BOT approval documents prepared by SPO staff.
  • Submit an initial budget request to SPO, with Board Item.
  • Secure Board of Trustees approval (SPO will do this).

4 working days before the agency due date

Step 8: Submission

  • SPO will submit to the agency with all attachments.
  • Any communications with the agency must be discussed with SPO before, and  SPO must be copied on all communications with the agency.

Post Award Procedures

3 to 9 months post- submission

Step 9: Receive Notice of Award or Declination Send original notice to Director, SPO.

1 to 4 weeks after receiving award notice

Step 10: Implementation

  • Meet with SPO for Grant Kick-Off meeting.
  • Attend Grants 101 training provided by SPO.
  • Complete New Project Director Survey.[CG1] [CG2] 
  • Contact HR Director to finalize job descriptions and to post positions.

2 to 6 weeks after receiving award notice and/or until project close

Step 11: Set Up Reporting System

  • Use deliverables table and Kick-Off box to develop processes to collect data and information for reporting.
  • Train project staff in compliance issues.
  • Complete any progress reports required by the agency on time and submit them to SPO for review and submission to granting agency.

If not funded

Step 12: Prepare for Re-submission

  • Request reviewers’ comments.
  • Meet with SPO to identify activities that can improve your future funding chances.
  • Attend Grants 101 training provided by SPO.
  • Rewrite and resubmit the application, if appropriate.
  • Identify alternate funding sources and begin again.


Commitment to Equal Access and Equal Opportunity

Santa Fe College is committed to an environment that embraces diversity, respects the rights of all individuals, is open and accessible, and is free of harassment and discrimination. For more information, visit sfcollege.edu/eaeo.